The Ubiquitous Share Your Board/Setup Thread

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My ONLY complaint I have about my Crisloid is that it's not broke in good yet and the checkers slide way too easy. My wife and I have to be careful and not bump it while playing :joy:

I have it too. A good board but when I played it for the first time 5 of 6 opponents complained that the black and green checkers are hard to distinguish (under not good lighting conditions) . With white checkers (from Gammonvillage, fits perfect) it is a good board.

My aurora Board with dark background.


Very nice @bgblitz !

Update: I finally got a new board to go with those Bakelite checkers I mentioned earlier ITT. It was custom-made for me by Eric Schmidt, who does incredible work refurbishing/redesigning vintage cork boards, as well as building new ones totally from scratch, like mine. Pics below. What do you think?


Behold the majesty of a $20-plus Amazon purchase! Oooooh! Aaaaah!

Arrived with one checker missing. Wife got me a replacement, but the wrong size.

I've only played over the board with one person (my youngest son), there isn't a backgammon scene in my podunk town, and 99.8 percent of my play is on apps against bots, so I'll probably stick with the board for a while. I just can't justify a bigger investment ... for the moment.


Lovely job!

For the price, I would say quite good!

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This cube is super sexy

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Colour of the chequers in a nice fit too. Not bland, not distracting, excellent all around indeed.