Backgammon Hustler

Here is a fun story if you haven’t read it. Lots of discussion in different places about who the player might be. Enjoy!

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This story is actually what piqued my interest in backgammon (and the beautiful boards).

This backgammon thing sounds so sexy! Interesting to see what got you into it. Like the subject of the article, I also had a rivalry against a college roommate, and subsequently came to “[Paul] McGrill’s book.”

I think the backgammon world has changed quite a bit in the 24 years since that was published. That kind of arrangement playing against sheiks for $3000 a point strikes me as even more rare now. But I am wondering who Simon Jones is… Svobodny maybe?

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Yes, sir. The consensus seems to point to Mike Svobodny. I read the article years ago and it took me that long to finally start playing!

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Every time I read this I think of Lee Trevino, the professional golfer. Trevino said, “Pressure is playing for $5 a hole with $2 in your pocket.” Trevino should have been a backgammon player.

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In the pool gambling world we called betting $5 with $2 in your pocket firing “air” barrels or betting “scared” money. Not a good approach! :joy:

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I read this in high school and it is what introduced me to the game and ever since then I’ve wanted more backgammon gambling content to read :slight_smile:


I bet you’d enjoy Bob Wachtel’s Backgammon Chronicles!

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